MOOMIN – Krús (30cl Mymbles mother)

Einstök og lífleg krús frá Moomin. Krúsirnar koma í tveimur stærðum; hefðbundni bollinn/krúsin eins og þessi tekur 30cl en einnig fást 40cl krúsir. Bollarnir þola allir uppvottavél og eru úr postulíni. The older Mymble is mother to Mymble, Little My, Snufkin and their many siblings. Although a bit smug, she is also a very cheerful and warm mother figure.

MOOMIN – Skál 15cm djúp (MYMBLE)

Mymble likes to dream about finding the love of her life. She is often infatuated and particularly likes to dream about the Police Inspector. Kind and helpful, she took responsibility for her younger siblings at a very early age. Mymble is Little My’s big sister, but she is much calmer than her little sister.

MOOMIN – Skál 15cm djúp (TRUE TO ITS ORIGIN)

It is time for a change, and Moominpappa takes the Moomin family to live on an island with a deserted lighthouse. Two intertwined stories, Moominpappa and the Sea and Moominvalley in November, share the warm wisdom of Tove Jansson’s grief and longing after the loss of her mother.


Moomintroll is happy and curious. He wants to find out about new things and always helps others. The world is full of exciting places to explore, but he especially loves collecting rocks and seashells. He also loves the sea, as does the whole Moomin family.


Snorkmaiden enjoys being the centre of attention. She charms and loves to be charmed. She is not only feminine and vain, but also plucky and resourceful. This time, she has decided to try on a bikini, but her reflection is unflattering. Snorkmaiden shows her emotions by changing colour.


Múmínmamma er máttarstólpi Múmíndals og hjarta Múmínhússins, blíð og snjöll móðurímynd sem lætur ekkert á sig fá. Fjölskyldan nýtur ekki bara góðs af samkennd hennar heldur er hún tilbúin að hugsa vel um alla þá sem heimsækja Múmínhúsið. Múmínmamma kann svo sannarlega að njóta lífsins. Hún er með vinnukonu á heimilinu af því að Fillífjónkan telur að fjölskyldan þurfi aðstoð við að ná reiðu á óskipulagða heimilið. Útgáfudagur: 15. mars 2021

MOOMIN – Skeið lítil (LITTLE MY)

Little My is brave and fearless. She marvels at the big new star shining in the sky – a comet that is about to hit Moominvalley. Little My is not too worried about the approaching comet. She lies down in a meadow to stare at it. You might even say that she enjoys the small catastrophe.