OOhh ‘VALENCIA’ – Vasi (19×13 – Mauve Taupe)

Original price was: 4.790kr..Current price is: 2.874kr..

The Valencia Drop is a beautiful serie of vases in 3 sizes. The vases are all mouthblown in recycled glass. Drop is a very elegant and interesting design for you who appreciate a beautiful elegant design in your home, restaurant, hotel. The 3 sizes invites to play with the different sizes a create an interesting display.

By choosing a handmade product you help to protect our environment against unneccessary CO2 consumption. Just as you will experience the extra value in a handmade unique item. Glas has the unique value that glass keeps its original qualities after being reused over and over again. All products in the OOhhx glass collection are made from recycled glass and will be either handmade or mouthblown.

Stærð: 19x13cm

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Lübech Living var stofnað árið 2006, áhersla þeirra er í innréttingum, lífsstíl og heimilisskreytingum. Rauði þráðurinn í Lübech Living er sjálfbærni, en það hófst árið 2009. Þau hófu vegferðina á handgerðum pappírspottum úr endurunnum pappír. Í dag inniheldur sjálfbærnin ennfremur frumlega endurunnið efni eins og pappírsúrgang, endurunnið plast, endurunnið gler, endurunnið filt, keramik sem brennt er með notkun sólarorku o.fl.

Produced from 100% recycled glass
– Mouthblown
– Made in Europe