MOOMIN - Skál 23cm (FRIENDSHIP) Original price was: 7.495kr..Current price is: 6.371kr..
Aftur í vörulista
Tilfinningar - Ástaraugu stór Original price was: 7.995kr..Current price is: 6.796kr..

ULTIMA THULE – Viskíglös (0,2L – 2stk – Clear)

Original price was: 7.190kr..Current price is: 6.112kr..

Ultima Thule línan var hönnuð af Tapio Wirkkala árið 1968. Við hönnun línunnar sótti Wirkkala innblástur til Lapplands en línan vísar í bráðinn klaka. Sagan segir að til hafi verið eyjan Ultima Thule sem staðsett var langt í norðri. Hún hafi verið grafin í ís og snjó og þar hafi sólin aldrei sést.

Ultima Thule vörulínan er öll framleidd í Finnlandi. Vörulínan inniheldur m.a. glös, diska, skálar, karöflur og kertastjaka.

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VNR: IIT-1008515

Tapio Wirkkala

Legend Tapio Wirkkala’s internationally renowned glass designs were inspired by the raw beauty of his native Finland. Determined to recreate an ice-covered Finnish island where the sun never sets, Wirkkala spent nearly a thousand hours with the glassblowers at the Iittala Glass Factory, defying the rules of glassblowing. Ultima Thule’s iconic design features a rounded base supported by three ice peaks that float above the surface, bringing a slice of Nordic nature to any interior. A dynamic mix of art and function, the classic Finnish glassware cemented its iconic status when Finnair began using it in first class. The Ultima Thule on-the-rocks is perfect for spirits, cocktails, water or juice.

Since 1881, Iittala has been dedicated to inspiring better living. What began as a glass factory in a small village in Iittala, Finland has grown into an internationally known brand that has played a decisive role in defining the Nordic way of life. The cornerstones of Iittala’s design are timeless aesthetics, high quality and functionality. We believe people should have the right to expect their design items to last a lifetime and that Iittala items never go out of style. Our designs are made to be used, day in and day out, for generations to come.