Vörumerki |
A table’s awkward shape and ‘swollen’ legs were designer Matti Klenell’s inspiration for Nappula’s signature silhouette. Now a modern Nordic design classic, the Nappula plant pot features a fun play on the signature silhouette with its flowing curved design. The minimalist design showcases plants and flowers beautifully in any interior décor. A true inspiration for green displays that allows you to bring the outdoors in. Now available in a brown colour that brings rich detail. An elegant home accessory that is lovely alone or mixed and matched with other Nappula plant pots. A perfect birthday, housewarming, holiday, hostess or thank you gift idea.
Matti Klenell (b.1972) is a Swedish designer known for his continual explorations into the Nordic design philosophy of form and function. Much like craftsmen during the dawn of industrialism, Klenell seeks to obtain the richest artistic expression within the possible limitations of the production process. His goal is to bring his creations to life by giving them character and personality. His global clientele includes BRIO, Moooi and Muuto. His multi-faceted approach to design allows him to work within many platforms including one-man exhibitions of his art glassware. Klenell has received much recognition for his work including the Red Dot Design Award for the Lempi drinking glass that he created for Iittala.
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