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The groundbreaking raised droplet design of Kastehelmi came from legendary designer Oiva Toikka’s search to find a way to hide joint marks in glass. Kastehelmi (“dewdrop” in Finnish) features glass bubbles that resemble strings of dewdrops glistening under the morning sun. The beloved Kastehelmi collection offers a wide range of playful pieces that are both functional and decorative. Each distinct yet versatile piece plays with light, bringing out the reflective beauty of the glass. The delicate yet durable Kastehelmi plate is perfect for serving small bites like appetizers, tapas or desserts. Clear glass complements the clean, simple design. Collect a set. Dishwasher safe. Great wedding or housewarming gift.
Oiva Toikka (1931-2019) is one of the great personas of Finnish glass design. His imaginative, rich and bold glass art is a departure from mainstream Nordic design. Toikka’s individual style is also evident in the utility objects he creates as they often deviate from the traditional clean-lined puritanism of Finnish design aesthetics. In addition to glass, his artistic activities cover staging, fashion design and plastic interior design elements.
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