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Known as the conscience of Finnish design, Kaj Frank sought to remove excess in his work leaving only the essentials. In 1958, Franck realized his goal with the Kartio glass, which captured the perfect balance between material and geometric form. Simple, yet durable enough for everyday use, Franck mastered the creation of the basic drinking glass, which is a legendary design beyond any trend. The wide and versatile colour palette of Kartio perfectly represents Iittala’s knowledge of coloured glass.
Finnish design legend Kaj Franck’s philosophy valued only the essential. Franck realized his goal with the Kartio collection, which represents a lively balance between form and function. Refined, versatile and functional, Franck believed it was what one did with his pieces that made them theirs. The Kartio collection has become a symbol of iconic Nordic design that goes beyond any trend. Kartio tumblers are perfect drinkware. Durable enough for everyday while the stunning design fits any table setting. Franck believed that ‘colour was the only decoration needed.’ The vivid range of the Kartio palette represents Iittala’s vast coloured glass expertise. The 2 pc set in aqua adds vibrant detail.
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