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The Kaasa tealight candleholder is inspired by designer Ilkka Suppanen’s own experiences as an avid sailor. Drawing upon the multi-colored lights that mariners use to guide them through the challenging Finnish waterways, Kaasa comes in a rich yet gentle palette of colors aimed to recreate the same warm feeling of security similar to that of the safety lights at sea. The well-thought out details are best seen as the spark of the candle plays with the thin glass and metal base to create a soft, glowing light.
The Kaasa tealight candleholder is inspired by designer Ilkka Suppanen’s own experiences as an avid sailor. Drawing upon the multicoloured lights that mariners use to guide them through the rough Finnish waters, Kaasa comes in a rich yet gentle palette of colours aimed to recreate the same sense of security as the safety lights at sea give. The clear, rounded mouthblown glass design was created to mimic a pair of hands warming themselves around a flame. While the inner base is made of polished rose gold coated stainless steel. The Kaasa tealight candleholder reflects a soft, gentle light that brings ambience and beauty to any living space. Great gift idea.
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