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In 2001, Alfredo Häberli designed Essence with the radically simple idea to create a series that had as few glasses as possible while still being able to serve a full range of fine wines. Believing that simple forms enhance the enjoyment of wine, Essence glassware is modern and minimal with a thin lip for sipping which is rare in lead-free glass. The stems and bases are identical which express a remarkable sense of balance when the glassware is placed side by side. Sensually pleasing to grasp and handle, Essence makes fine wines even more enjoyable. Essence is among the most highly acclaimed glassware in the world, and won the iF Award and Les Découvertes Award.
Internationally acclaimed product designer Alfredo Häberli designed the Essence collection to bring simplicity to the wide world of drinkware. Essence glasses feature identical stems and bases to optimize versatility, balance and function while each unique bowl is thoughtfully created for maximum beverage appreciation. The result is Finnish glassware that features modern, minimal design with edgy character, making Essence amongst the most highly acclaimed drinkware in the world. The Essence 2 pc cocktail bowl set showcases a rare thin lip and a delicate stem making it sensually pleasing to hold and handle. Ideal for cocktails, champagne and desserts. An elegant wedding, anniversary or housewarming gift idea.
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