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Inspired by the melting ice in Lapland, the Ultima Thule is design legend Tapio Wirkkala’s most famous work. Wirkkala originally created the surface of Ultima Thule in the 1960s after carving into a graphic mold. Ultima Thule is an exclusive design which reflects the thousands of hours spent perfecting the glass-blowing technique required to produce the effect.
Multi-talented genius Tapio Wirkkala was considered the pioneer of modern Finnish industrial art. Internationally recognized for his glass designs, Wirkkala’s greatest inspiration always came from his native Finland. Wirkkala defied the rules of glassblowing with his iconic Ultima Thule collection. Inspired by ice and snow, Wirkkala spent nearly a thousand hours with the glassblowers at the Iittala Glass Factory, to recreate this unique slice of Nordic nature. Featuring a rounded base supported by three ice peaks that float above the surface, the groundbreaking Ultima Thule brings a piece of arctic nature into any interior. The elegant Ultima Thule pitcher was designed to commemorate Wirkkala’s 100th birthday. Perfect for serving cold drinks.
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