Peggy - Stillanlegur hængindastóll leður (Moro) Original price was: 329.900kr..Current price is: 263.920kr..
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COLLECTIVE TOOLS - Kökuspaði Original price was: 7.390kr..Current price is: 6.282kr..

Riedel ‘VERITAS’ – Rauðvínsglös (800ml – 2 stk – New World Pinot Noir)

Original price was: 10.900kr..Current price is: 9.265kr..

New World Pinot Noir vínglösin frá þýska framleiðandanum Riedel eru fislétt og eru hugsuð fyrir svokölluð New World vín. Glösin eru framleidd í háþróuðum vélum og lögun þeirra tryggir að bragðið skili sér sem best til neytanda. New World Pinot Noir glösin henta sérstaklega vel fyrir t.d. Blanc de Noirs, Champagne, Barolo, Rosé Champagne ofl. Öll glös frá Riedel er óhætt að setja í uppþvottavélar. Lesa meira um glösin hér fyrir neðan.

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VNR: ROL-6449-67

The unadorned machine-made New World Pinot Noir, Nebbiolo and Rosé Champagne glass of the light-weight glass collection RIEDEL Veritas impresses with its delicate shape and excels through its focus on new world wines.. The bowl of the New World Pinot Noir glass allows the bouquet to develop to the full, while slightly flared top lip maximizes the fruit flavors by directing a precise flow onto the front palate. The RIEDEL Veritas bowls are based on the DNA of grape varietals and differentiates for the first time between „New World“ and „Old World“ within one glass collection. RIEDEL VERITAS combines the charm of a handmade glass with the consistent accuracy only a machine made glass can achieve. All RIEDEL glasses are dishwasher safe.