Vörumerki |
10.890kr. Original price was: 10.890kr..6.534kr.Current price is: 6.534kr..
The Balance collection is inspired by the dream of a nice architect-designed house with an outside lookout post halfway around. A lookout post where you get the feeling that you are balancing up above a beautiful nature, where you stretch even further to get all your senses activated – smell, see and hear and just suck in the fresh air and be in balance with nature. The feeling of balance creates the most fantastic renewed energy and feeling of life. Our wish is that OOhh’s Balance design with its classic pure lines will give joy to your eyes and inspire your senses. Use the balance XL pot for your larger plants and small trees.
– Handmade
– Sustainable ceramic produced with the use of solar energy
– 100% waterproof
– Sanded finish
– D12 x H26cm
All ceramic products from OOhh Collection are burnt with the use of solar energy and with the reuse of water from the production. Ceramic burnt with the use of solar energy and with water reuse is a strong step towards sustainable interior decoration.
Lübech Living
Lübech Living was founded in 2006. We work within the business of interior, lifestyle and home decoration. The common thread in Lübech Living is very transparent.
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