
Vörumerki |
11.290kr. Original price was: 11.290kr..6.774kr.Current price is: 6.774kr..
The laundry bag has two cotton handles that allow easy transport from one room to another. 85% of the fiber material for the handles comes from recycled t-shirts. A functional button system makes it possible to attach unlimited bags to each other. And a functional tag on the front allows you to differentiate between colored and white clothes, plastic or paper if you like to use the laundry bag for garbage sorting. The bags are ideal for kids toys too and both parents and kids are crazy about the laundry bags. The bags cant make any damage and the kids can’t get hurt and when it is needed the laundry bags can be washed by hand or machine. To reuse the removable label, write on it with chalk, wash it with a mild soap and it will come back as new. Wash in warm water using a mild soap or detergent.We recommend washing the brighter colours separately. Please note that this product is washable but not waterproof. And please note that the bags are sold individually.
-Practical Laundry Bag
-Made from washable ecofriendly paper
-Handmade in Italy
The laundry bag has two cotton handles that allow easy transport from one room to another. 85% of the fiber material for the handles comes from recycled t-shirts. A functional button system makes it possible to attach unlimited bags to each other. And a functional tag on the front allows you to differentiate between colored and white clothes, plastic or paper if you like to use the laundry bag for garbage sorting. The bags are ideal for kids toys too and both parents and kids are crazy about the laundry bags. The bags cant make any damage and the kids can’t get hurt and when it is needed the laundry bags can be washed by hand or machine. To reuse the removable label, write on it with chalk, wash it with a mild soap and it will come back as new. Wash in warm water using a mild soap or detergent.We recommend washing the brighter colours separately. Please note that this product is washable but not waterproof. And please note that the bags are sold individually.
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