Vörumerki |
Iittala’s Teema plate, part of the iconic eponymous tableware collection, can be used for anything, basically: as a dinner plate, for serving or even for cooking, as the plate is oven-proof. The medium-sized plate’s blue, vintage-inspired hue mimics the collection’s original colour palette from 1952, and to further honour the original series, then called Kilta, Iittala has also given the plate a semi-opaque glaze that varies slightly depending on the item’s shape. Each vintage blue plate is therefore unique.
Designed by one of Iittala’s most iconic design heroes, Kaj Franck, Teema is a versatile collection with endless combinations of shapes, sizes and colours. Capturing the essence of Scandinavian design thinking, each Teema piece is derived from three simple forms: circle, square and rectangle. It’s what you use them for that makes them yours.
Functional, durable and refined, Teema is the perfect tableware for everyday use. Plates, platters, cups and bowls, each and every Teema piece is oven, freezer, dishwasher and microwave safe. So not only will they look beautiful on your dining table, but they’ll make cooking, serving and clean-up fast and easy.
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